Wednesday, May 11, 2011

teething: the all natural way

i got into a more holistic way of eating and healing after my daughter was born.  one of the major issues i encountered was her horrible sensitivity to teething.  some babies don't struggle with teething at all, while others have the worst, most painful teething symptoms.  well, my daughter was one of the unfortunate ones.  i immediately began looking for natural remedies to soothe her pain.  i don't give her medicine at all unless it is an absolute necessity.  when she was just an infant, i would use wet, frozen washcloths, hyland's teething tablets and teething rings to ease her pain.  the older she's gotten those things don't work anymore. 

just this week, my daughter started to cut her bottom two year molars.  it has definitely been a test.  now that she can almost speak sentences to me, it's even more frustrating for her when she's in pain because she wants so badly to talk to me and tell me what's wrong and she can't express her emotions.  this causes a downward spiral of feelings.  she gets so upset over the pain, then she pitches a huge tantrum because she can't properly express herself.  what a day today was!  i decided to share my #1 remedy with you in case you are experiencing something similar.  

since she was about 9 months old, my tried and true best relief for teething symptoms has been crushed ice.  it never fails.  she gets excited that she has "food" to play with, only it's just water.  the ice immediately soothes the gums and also keeps her hydrated!  and, guess what?  there's no medicine in it.  it's all water.  so, there ya go.  i'm still an advocate for the teething tablets if your children will actually eat them.  i also advocate the use of cold fruits or veggies.  however, when my child is teething, she's not usually in the mood to eat much until she's feeling better. has a list of 10 all natural teething remedies.  head on over and check them out!