Thursday, July 14, 2011

Annabelle's world...

i just wanted to post a little update on annabelle.  it's been a while.  i'm so proud of her and she continues to blow my mind everyday.  i can't even keep up with everything she can say or do now.  it's too much.  she's like a little sponge and everytime i turn around, she's doing something awesome and new!  potty training is coming soon and i will definitely be posting on our progress with that.  here are some things i wanted to share about my little diva...

TRI-NANGLE -  triangle

IT SOOOOO QKEWT-  it's so cute

YO-GET - yogurt

GAPE - grape


TAKE BASS- take a bath

BUUUUSSSSHHHH (sounds like hush) TEES- brush teeth

YOU OK? I HEP YOU - you ok? i'll help you.

BUBBLES AIRY WARE- bubbles everywhere

PISHY- fish

FWOG- frog (and then she says ri-dat ri-dat, instead of ribbit)

NUM NUM NUM LISHIOSO - from dora... yum yum yum, delicioso.

she loves to say: CAN I HEP YOU?  hahahaha.

*my favorite:  i luh you mommy... *

songs she can sing:
twinkle twinkle little star
abc's  (she knows her whole alphabet)
itsy bitsy spider
the barney song (accompanied with hugs and kisses)

she is very mechanical like her daddy.  puts things together very well and counts really well.  hopefully she'll be better at all the math and stuff than i was when i was younger. 

her favorite book is Brown Bear, Brown Bear.  she likes to tell you each animal on each page and the noises that each one makes. 

she knows all the parts of her face and body.  she can put mr. potato head together and put every part in its place while telling what each part is.

she's doing really well with shape recognition, letter recognition and number recognition.  and she loves to draw. 

and she can almost count to 20!

these are just a few cute words and phrases i wanted to share.  her vocabulary is so huge now, this list could go on forever.  these are just some of the ones that are my favorite to hear because she sounds so cute trying to pronounce things she can't yet say properly.