Monday, August 15, 2011

revisiting the secret

*life has thrown some serious curveballs my way in the last week.  i probably endured one of the worst birthdays of my life and one of the toughest weeks i've ever experienced.  sitting here this morning, alone with my thoughts, i started remembering the basics of THE SECRET.  i haven't sat and watched it in a while, but i decided to revisit the concepts today.* 

when you look at your current state of affairs and define yourself by that, then you doom yourself to have nothing more than the same in the future.

be in an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE.  gratitude is the way to bring more into your life.

every morning get up and say thank you.  think of what you're thankful for.  feel the feelings of gratitude.  you will begin to attract more of the good things if you feel gratitude.

your joy lies within you.

our body is the product of our thoughts.

do you treat yourself the way you want other people to treat you?

the universe is a masterpiece of abundance, good health and well-being.  when you open yourself up to feel the abundance of the universe, you'll experience the wonder, the joy and the bliss.  good health, good wealth, good nature.  when you shut yourself off with negative thoughts, you'll feel the discomfort, you'll feel the aches, the pain.  you'll feel that everyday is painful to get through.

you are not here to try and get the world to be just as you want it.  you are here to create the world around you that you choose.

life is meant to be abundant in ALL areas...

when the voice and vision on the inside become more profound and clear than the opinions on the outside, then you have mastered your life.


*so, this post is a little jumbled with random ideas and thoughts from the secret, but i thought i would share a few.  these are the things i'm choosing to focus on this week.  hopefully, all of the positive energy i release to the universe will allow positive changes in my life.*

Monday, August 8, 2011

love them. protect them. never inject them.

With the school year quickly approaching, i wanted to share some information with my blog readers regarding vaccinations.  the biggest excuse i get from other parents after we have the vaccine debate is, "wow, well that's all really scary, but i really don't have a choice.  i have to vaccinate her/him so they can attend school".  FALSE STATEMENT, my friends.  the current SCARE phrase for this year is "NO SHOTS, NO SCHOOL", which is simply not true at all.  there are medical exemptions in all 50 states.  religious exemptions are available in 47 states and philosophical exemptions are available in 18 states.  so, scare tactics are being used in the media to get parents to vaccinate chilren.  that's the extent of it.  our media/our government is trying to control the medical decisions we make for our families.  but, they can't control these decisions if we don't let them.  it's up to us to become more educated and start making informed decisions for our children.  each time you inject your child with one vaccination, you are sending scary amounts of poison into their bodies.  you are voluntarily doing this to them!  you make the decision when you decide to believe the hype that the government is selling you. 

I believe that we have a God-given ability to make choices for ourselves.  we live in a world full of knowledge!  it doesn't take much to have research and facts at our fingertips.  we just have to be willing to open our eyes to what is very easy to see.  I was blinded for years about the government's role in our medical system.  it wasn't until i became a mother that i realized it was my mission in life to make the best informed decisions for my daughter.  God trusted me with this precious life and it is my job to make sure i keep her safe. 

i speak out on vaccines because i have personally seen the terrible effects they have had on children.  i have also known children who are scarred for life or dead due to vaccine injuries.  this topic is so extremely important to me.  so, this week i'm asking you to do a little research of your own.  dig deep.  read up.  study graphs.  i'm not even going to lead you.  the information is right in front of your face if you want to see it!  but, if you want to personally ask me for links, i have pages and pages of references for you! 

Friday, August 5, 2011


alright mommies everywhere!  let's raise breastfeeding awareness this week to remind the world of our natural abilities to give our babies everything they could ever need!  august 1-7 is world breastfeeding week and i'm a little late on posting because i've been out of town!  but, please help me raise awareness this week, all month and every week of the year! 

"A pair of substantial mammary glands have the advantage over the two hemispheres of the most learned professor's brain in the art of compounding a nutritive fluid for infants."  ~Oliver Wendell Holmes