Wednesday, February 27, 2013

It's not what you think it is.

I figured the best way to kick off my vast array of topics is with a good old health discussion.

I have become increasingly aware of my body since turning thirty.  Some wicked changes have taken place in my body, mind and energy levels; and, it seemed as if they sprung immediately into existence the day after my thirtieth.  Obviously, I know the changes didn't happen this drastically, but for the dramatic person I am, it sure felt like the clock struck and BOOM - kicked my new, OLD feeling self into existence.

We have really been working on becoming fully organic, gluten free, and a non-processed foods household for a long time.  And, let me just say, it does take a long time to make this switch happen and actually have everyone on board.  It's almost March 2013, and it is finally sticking!  It has been a long time coming, but we are fully embracing a REAL food lifestyle change.  We introduced raw milk a few weeks ago, and are already seeing some changes.  The raw milk will make a whole other blog post of its own, so I am not going to get into that one right now.  We have faced some fierce skepticism for the whole raw milk deal.  We have also made a full commitment to only eating free-range, cage free eggs.  Grass-fed, free-range beef, chicken and pork.  We do not cook processed meals.  We even eat raw veggies.  Tons of fresh, organic fruits.  We have cut out wheat and wheat gluten.  There are tons more changes.  But, the biggest is getting rid of PROCESSED meals, snacks, etc.

What constitutes a processed food product?  Well, anything that comes from those inner aisles in the grocery store.  It may come in a box, a plastic package, a can, etc.  Anything that has ingredients in it that you can't pronounce or don't recognize.  *let me pause right here for a minute.  One of the best pieces of advice I can give to anyone starting this process, which will be the easiest part to stick with, is: IF YOU DON'T RECOGNIZE AN INGREDIENT, NEITHER WILL YOUR BODY.  your digestive organs will not know how to process chemicals that they deem as "foreign".  So, first and foremost, start ridding your shopping lists of anything that include crazy chemicals you can't pronounce or identify.*  Processed foods also come in the form of meats.  So many of our meats are packaged with preservatives to increase shelf life.  They are pumped full of antibiotics as well.  Make sure you are buying the most natural meat products you can find in the grocery store.  When you are ready to make the switch to the "super" all natural meats, that is when you will start buying unprocessed, fresh from the farm beef, chicken and pork.  Milk is another one.  Pumped full of chemicals to increase antibiotics.  When milk is pasteurized, they kill all of the bacteria in the milk.  The good and the bad.  Therefore, you aren't getting any good bacteria either.  This is why we switched to raw... but, like I said, that is another post in itself.  Frozen meals = THE WORST!  They essentially have no nutritional value and are so packed full of chemicals and sodium and "you name it, it's in there", that they can't add any value to the efficiency of your organs and the nutrients your body is receiving.

Here are some things that aren't processed foods.  Another piece of advice that can make the switch extremely easy, if you follow it.  FOODS WITH ONE INGREDIENT.  EAT THOSE!  Like i said, stay away from the inner aisles of the store.  Shop for FRESH veggies.  Not bagged ones.  FRESH!  Try and eat organic, if you can find them.  Or, how about grow a garden for your veggies.  Just a thought.  Next, meat - one ingredient.  However, find a meat that is more natural than the rest.  Potatoes - SWEET POTATOES are best... again, one ingredient.  Milk, Cheese, Eggs, etc.  You get the point.  One ingredient items will help kick start your lifestyle change.  The journey takes time, but it is well worth it.

What I wanted to share with you is the changes which have taken place in my body following this lifestyle change.
- I used to bloat like crazy, almost after every meal.  For the longest time, I just thought it was something genetically wrong.  My mom has always bloated up after eating certain foods, mainly chicken.  Well, I don't do that anymore.  I can't tell you the last time I bloated up after eating a meal.  I truly believe I had such a high sodium, high processed diet before, that everything I ate was causing my body to go into crazy mode.  Chicken was a big bloater for me, just like my mom.  Now that we have changed to all natural, grass fed meats, I don't bloat after eating chicken either.
- I don't experience headaches nearly as often as I did.  Once again, I think this is due to the extinction of high processed foods from my diet.  My sugar intake comes from natural sources such as fruit and honey, not from processed candy, cereals, boxed dinners full of carbs or ice cream, etc.
- I am more alert, less lethargic throughout my day, and I crave good food.
-My skin looks better than it ever has, as I have always suffered from facial blemishes.
-No more fullness/breathing issues:  I have (in my adult years) experienced difficulties breathing- like a constant fullness that came even after eating the smallest meals.  I had it labeled as anxiety.  I wondered if I should quit eating dinner, and drink myself to sleep so I wouldn't struggle with breathing as I lied down.  It was the food I was eating!  My diet was so full of processed foods, refined carbs, etc. that i was suffering.  My blood sugar was rising really fast at night, when my body should have calming down, causing my insides a sense of panic.
-I sleep much more soundly than I ever have.
-My daughter eats all things and anything healthy!  It's her way of life too!  Talk about a radically, awesome side effect of incorporating this while she's young!

As I continue to share the changes in my world, I will dive into some of these food topics a little deeper.  Today was a way for me to scratch the surface and share my experience with what I call "the switch".  Because this is a lifestyle change, y'all.  It is A SWITCH.  A COMPLETE 180.  It is a big deal.  And, if you can do it, you should be proud and you should share it with others.  Knowledge is power, and time doesn't wait.  It's time to turn evolution around.  We are slowly changing our genetics over time with all of this CRAP food we're using as fuel.  Think about it.  Read about it.  And let me know if you want more information on how to go organic.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

It's not just my name, it's a way of life.

So, I guess I don't really have a calling, per say.  I guess I consider myself an activist.  I speak on behalf of children's rights.  I post anything and everything on the side of liberty and humanity.  I always make sure my voice is heard.  I guess I just need to stop trying to put a title on everything I do.  I participate in different things that are imperative to my spiritual comfort, but they don't always fall under the same category.  I guess if I had to put a broad title on what I want to show through my life, it would be KINDNESS.  HUMANITY.  LOVING EACH OTHER.

I really wanted to start up a whole new blog from before, in order to document all of my research, to babble about all of the things I advocate, disagree with, participate in, etc; but, I decided to revamp this old blog I started back in 2011.  I titled it "be the change", and well, it only seems fitting to continue on with this in mind.  Now, it's simply titled "be-the-change2013"... keeping in mind that I have changed a lot in the last two years as I'm experiencing what I believe to be a spiritual awakening.  Fitting right?  You can see the change over the last two years, if you look back through this blog.

I share what I do, and I live an open life so that I can help be some of the change.  After all, the CHANGE begins on an individual level.  If I can't share my experiences with others, what good is it?  I take "be the change" seriously.  The most intimate level of change begins within, and in order to help change the world, that inner knowledge, wisdom and personal transformation must be shared with the world in some way.

I have no purpose in life if isn't to leave my mark on this place.
Different day.
Same passion.
Renewed spirit.

So, I have really been racking my brain thinking about something a friend recently said to me.  "Well, your name is Candle.  That has to mean something, right?"  And, then it hit me.  I'm nothing special.  I'm just another woman, wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend... but, I have this strange pull to do something really great.  Maybe not Mother Theresa great, but something great.  Here.  Now.  In my little world.  With the people around me.  And what better personal push than to know that, by birth, my name has had a meaning that we all use to describe light in the darkness.  I think I'm supposed to use that as fuel to speak, share, reach out, advocate, love, give....... I'm gonna use it as my inner fuel.  That is what I'm gonna do.  Candle won't just be my name, it will be my meaning, my way, my purpose.

Starting fresh.  Sending you love.  Wishing you light.