Tuesday, February 26, 2013

It's not just my name, it's a way of life.

So, I guess I don't really have a calling, per say.  I guess I consider myself an activist.  I speak on behalf of children's rights.  I post anything and everything on the side of liberty and humanity.  I always make sure my voice is heard.  I guess I just need to stop trying to put a title on everything I do.  I participate in different things that are imperative to my spiritual comfort, but they don't always fall under the same category.  I guess if I had to put a broad title on what I want to show through my life, it would be KINDNESS.  HUMANITY.  LOVING EACH OTHER.

I really wanted to start up a whole new blog from before, in order to document all of my research, to babble about all of the things I advocate, disagree with, participate in, etc; but, I decided to revamp this old blog I started back in 2011.  I titled it "be the change", and well, it only seems fitting to continue on with this in mind.  Now, it's simply titled "be-the-change2013"... keeping in mind that I have changed a lot in the last two years as I'm experiencing what I believe to be a spiritual awakening.  Fitting right?  You can see the change over the last two years, if you look back through this blog.

I share what I do, and I live an open life so that I can help be some of the change.  After all, the CHANGE begins on an individual level.  If I can't share my experiences with others, what good is it?  I take "be the change" seriously.  The most intimate level of change begins within, and in order to help change the world, that inner knowledge, wisdom and personal transformation must be shared with the world in some way.

I have no purpose in life if isn't to leave my mark on this place.
Different day.
Same passion.
Renewed spirit.

So, I have really been racking my brain thinking about something a friend recently said to me.  "Well, your name is Candle.  That has to mean something, right?"  And, then it hit me.  I'm nothing special.  I'm just another woman, wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend... but, I have this strange pull to do something really great.  Maybe not Mother Theresa great, but something great.  Here.  Now.  In my little world.  With the people around me.  And what better personal push than to know that, by birth, my name has had a meaning that we all use to describe light in the darkness.  I think I'm supposed to use that as fuel to speak, share, reach out, advocate, love, give....... I'm gonna use it as my inner fuel.  That is what I'm gonna do.  Candle won't just be my name, it will be my meaning, my way, my purpose.

Starting fresh.  Sending you love.  Wishing you light.

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