Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Paxil made me fat

Fat: not really what I was.  I guess.  But, definitely how I felt.  I wasn't overweight (because really i fell right into the weight for my height), I was more like bloated.  ALL. OF. THE. TIME.  It was more of the way the weight sat on my body.  Especially after having a baby.  Especially after turning the big THREE-ZERO.

I am going to give a whole entire week of blog entries to this damned drug, once it is completely out of my system.  But, for now, I would love to rant about the fat.

I work out.  I stay in shape.  My family switched to a completely organic lifestyle about a year ago, after slowly progressing that way for years.  I've been doing everything right.  I even cut out the glass of wine that was always waiting for me at night, after a tough day.  The "poofiness" I was feeling in my body, must have just been "my fate".  GRRRRRRR.  I don't want to live with the poof.  What am I going to do?  I cut out wheat, gluten, and all of the foods that caused sensitivities in my tummy.  Still no help with that poof.


I'll tell you what...  I was taking a medication that I never researched.  Did you know that one of the side effects of Paxil is weight gain.  And by weight gain, I guess they really mean, "STICKY, YUCKY WEIGHT THAT WILL CLING TO YOUR BODY AND CAN'T BE SCRAPED OFF WITH A SCALPEL" weight gain.  Yep, that must be what they mean!

I have been coming off of this medication for a while now.  But, here recently I sped up the process and started really focusing on getting it out of my body and being done.  That meant cutting way back to almost nothingness.  Now, the medication is practically finished ruining me.  Usually I don't use a scale.  It just depresses me.  I can be in the best shape and look damn good, but because I have such dense muscle in my gluts, hamstrings, hips and thighs, I'm obviously going to weight more.  If I get a number that is higher than I expect, instead of blaming it on muscle, I immediately blame it on this disgusting poof.  I get depressed when I see an actual number.  So, I just stay away.  Well, I have been feeling a change in my waist.  Certain pants are loose again.  I decided to weigh in recently and noticed I had randomly dropped 5 pounds.  Nothing at all has changed in my struggle.  Still work out the same.  Still eat and drink the same.  Everything is THE SAME.  Except now, I'm not drugging my body every day.
DUH!  Could it be?

I finally took a look at the side effects of the drug I began taking 2 years ago.  And lo and behold.......... it isn't it bold print, (because God forbid they put any side effect in BOLD print) but it is listed.  After talking with others who've taken it, it only confirmed my suspicions, as they all had struggled with weight gain as well.

Still not completely weened, and I have already lost 8 pounds.  AND I mean 8 pounds of poof.  Wow.  I haven't even been working out like usual either, because I've been so weak from the withdrawal symptoms.  So, I'm curious to see just how much the scale changes once this mess has left my system forever.

HEED THE WARNING Y'ALL:  please thoroughly research everything you put in your ONE, PRECIOUS body.

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