Monday, March 25, 2013

As winter rolls out...

I woke up to a beautiful morning!  It's extremely windy, but sunny, and I can see Spring slowly rolling in... as I ponder the reasons we often rush every season, I can't help but whisper "slow down... "take it all in... for this season is full of things you'll never have again."

For as winter rolls out and Spring comes in, we build nostalgia for moments we'll often look back on with a smile.  No reason to rush those moments.  And even more of a reason to breathe them in!

The wind is symbolic today.  Really blistering cold when the wind hits my face.  It feels it may be that last little trail of winter leaving us.  It's winter's one, last frozen reminder that it's leaving us, and will leave us with a bang.  It's the end of March, some flowers have begun to bloom, the trees are sprouting tiny leaves, and the birds wake me with their beautiful melodies each morning.  Oh, how I've longed for this.  I've waited for Spring and the feeling of rebirth.

But today, just for today, I will embrace this last bit of winter, these last bit of chilly memories, the crispness in the air, the frost on the ground, and the smell of a roaring chimney two houses down.   Just for one more day...

Happy Monday.

Love you and your memories,

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