Tuesday, March 22, 2011

welcome to the not so popular crowd!

For those of us who choose to take the "other" path.  Here's to being an outcast... it's not always such a bad thing...

No Vaccines means less health problems in our children, less poisons, less cancers, etc.
No to GMOs means we might live a little longer.  Maybe we'll enjoy our food the way nature made it.
No spanking means we discipline with love and produce well-rounded, emotionally stable children.
No Facist/Socialist government means we learn how to take care of ourselves like we're designed to do.  Or wait, maybe we were designed to make walmart a profit.
Homeschooling/unschooling offers our children every single thing they want to learn in life and more!  Without the government ruling what they are and aren't allowed to learn.
Co-sleeping means more secure and independent children who learn from their mother's cues.

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