Tuesday, April 5, 2011

these are a few of my favorite things...

my sweet brandy texted me this morning to ask me what some of my favorite things were.  what a sweetheart.  she's so thoughtful.  guess she's just been thinking of me.  so, it inspired me to write a list.  here are a few of my favorite things in the world...

-big bear hugs that last forever.
-forehead kisses that surprise me.
-baby feet
-the smell of fresh cut grass
-music.  any and all kinds.  i don't discriminate.
-very dark chocolate.  i also love all chocolate.  don't really discriminate with that either.
-being barefoot.  i would never ever wear shoes if i didn't have to. :)
-sunshine.  especially the day after a storm.
-the sound of the river. 
-being on the lake at dusk.  watching the sun set and the lake become still again.
-dancing.  mostly alone.  i love rockin it out in my living room with my sweet girl.
-waterfalls.  there is nothing as peaceful to me as a waterfall.
-good wine.  actually i don't discriminate here either.  i love all wine. 
-all day long beach days when i leave the beach before dinner covered in salt and sand with sunkissed skin.
-animals, of all kinds.  but especially dogs.  and horses.  i really want a horse.
-puppy breath.  that might sound weird.  but it's nostalgic for me.
-annabelle's kisses and sweet baby girl hugs.
-football saturdays in good ole clemson.  there's nothing better than fall and football in TIGER country.
-summer weekends spent on the lake.  we live off of sun, water and a little bit of food :) 
-fresh fruits and veggies straight from the garden.  nothing feels better than putting clean food in my body.
-front porch sitting.  on anyone's front porch :)
-pictures.  people pick on me and say it must not happen if i don't take a million pictures.  but yes, i feel that i want to document every single important moment of my life.  so, pictures are definitely a favorite thing!
-special mommy/daughter times with annabelle grace.  special trips alone, coloring time or even just cuddle time on the couch.
-baseball.  every single thing about baseball.  the love of the game.  the men.  the uniforms.  the season.  and there's no better baseball than clemson baseball- sitting on cheap seats, drinking beer and listening to the outfielders being heckled by our fans :)
-waking up before the rest of the world and watching it become busy...
-staying up later than the rest of the world and watching it become peaceful again.  no noise.  just quiet.  there's something really moving about this.  i don't know why.


  1. I love that we share so many favorite things. Could be why are one of mine! I hope you girls have a blast this weekend. My heart hurts that I can't be there!

  2. I LOVE this list and glad I inspired you to take time out of your day to think about your fave things! Hopefully it made you reflect and SMILE. Love you xoxo
