Monday, February 14, 2011

ALMONDS:  in my house, almonds have become a staple.  they're added to salads, meats and eaten by the handfuls at snack time.  in my opinion, almonds are a beautiful, hidden little health secret.  when eaten conservatively and in the place of other fats, almonds can help reduce cholesterol levels and help prevent heart disease.  also, studies have shown that when almonds are eaten in moderation, they can actually help promote weight loss.  by substituting almonds for other calories, you may lose more weight than you would if you were eating those calories somewhere else.  they are high in protein and low in carbs.  they are very filling, so you can eat a lot less.  almonds are rich in so many vitamins that promote a healthier overall body.  almonds also contain folic acid, which is something all of us, but especially pregnant women need daily.  and lets not forget omega-3 fatty acids...

in my book, almonds are the perfect snack and topping for any meal!

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