Thursday, February 17, 2011

big question with a big answer

i've had someone ask me, "well do you believe in medicine?" and well, the answer is yes and no. 

i believe in medicine in life saving times.  however, i do not believe medicine is best for prevention.  i believe proper diet, exercise, good hygiene and sanitation are necessary in prevention of disease.  i really do feel that doctors today make more money off of prevention than anything else.  they also make money off of things that people could just fix with a better diet and exercise routine.  and yes, I TRULY BELIEVE THAT!  i have seen lives change with adjustments to lifestyle. and i have seen medicine complicate the functionality of the human body...

i worked with a dietician for a bit of time while working in the medical field.  i saw SEVERAL patients come off of medications for things such as diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure just by changing the foods they were consuming.  i witnessed men and women who had been on medications for years drop every single medication they were on because they were eating things their bodies were designed to eat.  it's not rocket science.  it's nature. 

so, to answer the question of whether or not i believe in medicine... well, i firmly believe that ninety percent of it isn't necessary. 

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