Monday, February 7, 2011

a little icebreaker

Just breaking the ice here... not holding anything back.  My passion has become more about exposing the truth and worrying less about who it offends.  So, read on if you like...

Take a minute and think about your health.  What moves you to do the things you do?  Whether it's food, exercise or medicine, why do you make the choices you do?  Is it because someone insisted it's what's best for you, or is it because you have become a free thinker?  Have you researched every option for you and your family to the fullest extent?  Or have you lined up like a sheep and said "baaaaaaa" to your doctor's orders?

This blog is intented to document how my life has changed since becoming a mom.  I want to explore how very AWARE I've become of EVERYTHING.  My eyes have been opened and my brain has been curious.  I've spent countless hours researching things that never mattered to me 5 years ago.  I've logged serious hours elbow deep in books and internet research.  I've learned more on my own in 3 years than I did in 12 years of public school and 5 years of college.  Some of the changes we've made in my house are "radical" in the eyes of everyone else.  But these changes help me sleep at night.  My intentions are to share my research, document my experiences and share information as I come across it.

"Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes."

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