Tuesday, February 15, 2011

here are a few good tips for kiddos:

try and buy these as organic as possible or pick them straight from the garden or from a farmers market.  if this isn't possible then get the freshest fruits and veggies you can find.  I find bananas and grapes to be the biggest hit with my daughter!  she also enjoys berries, raisins and almonds.  as far as veggies go, carrots and broccoli are a must in my book.  don't fluff these up with a side of ranch.  that won't do them any good.  the purpose of feeding them healthy food is so they will learn to eat healthy.  i promise you they can eat it without the ranch dressing.  :)

once summertime is here, i will be excited to take her to the garden and let her pick fresh fruits and veggies!

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