Monday, September 5, 2011

the destiny of sisterhood

the last month of my life has been one of the most trying journeys i have ever experienced and hope to ever have to experience again.  i've been looking for ways to turn off feelings and rise above the pain.  i want to make memories disappear and form a hard heart.  i want to need NO ONE.  i want to do anything and everything for my daughter, all on my own.  i don't wanna lean. i don't wanna take.  i don't wanna cut the wound and let it bleed.  sometimes i cry.  well, a lot actually.  crying opens the wound.  crying makes the pain feel better.  and not leaning on people or taking from people, only makes me feel more alone.  it doesn't heal. 

so, i finally realized that, in order to heal and grow, i have to feel it all!  since when have i been a person to turn off my feelings or mask my hurt?  is it healthy for me to age another year every time i try and deal with pain?  hold it all in and deal with it alone?  cry in silence in my own misery... deal with it and not have a hand to hold?  God places people in our lives to help us through the difficult times.  to show us that we aren't alone.  i believe it's His little way of sending us angels who help us heal along each path we take and each journey we make.  The importance of our destiny is not WHERE we stand in the end, but WHO is standing beside us when we get there.  (and i'm pretty sure i just made up an awesome quote!)  that's life.  that's our destiny.  to begin, live and end our journeys with valuable, loving people who enrich our existence. 

so, i leaned.  i took.  i cut the wound open and let it bleed.  i had some amazing women by my side to show me what REAL love and friendship is all about.  my way of thinking has changed.  specifically, my views on women.  instead of judging them, i'm starting to see each and every woman i meet as strong, bold and tried.  we've all gone through some pretty rough spots.  i believe we are so much stronger than men in so many ways.  i absolutely know for a fact, that every person is placed in our lives for a reason and we are meant to open ourselves up to see what love can form.  this means opening ourselves up to sisterly love just as much as, or even more than we open ourselves up to romantic love.  i have experienced some of the most incredible SISTERLY bonds in the last year.  i am realizing that i am blessed beyond belief to be able to have these sweet angels in my life.  i would never make it without them holding my hand.

i've never been one to have many close girlfriends.  i've never trusted women.  this year has shown me, through the disappointments that have come from the men in my life, that women are strong, bold and faithful.  we can build bonds that no man will ever be able to sever.  we share laughter, memories, tears, pain, heartache and secrets that are sacred to our souls.  i will NEVER be able to replace the love and friendship i've been shown through my "sisters".  i'm blessed beyond measure and i am so much stronger because of them.  THANK YOU FOR LOVING ME, EVEN THOUGH YOU KNOW ALL ABOUT ME.  -------a tribute to my sisters.  all of you.  you are all so beautiful to me!

Monday, August 15, 2011

revisiting the secret

*life has thrown some serious curveballs my way in the last week.  i probably endured one of the worst birthdays of my life and one of the toughest weeks i've ever experienced.  sitting here this morning, alone with my thoughts, i started remembering the basics of THE SECRET.  i haven't sat and watched it in a while, but i decided to revisit the concepts today.* 

when you look at your current state of affairs and define yourself by that, then you doom yourself to have nothing more than the same in the future.

be in an ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE.  gratitude is the way to bring more into your life.

every morning get up and say thank you.  think of what you're thankful for.  feel the feelings of gratitude.  you will begin to attract more of the good things if you feel gratitude.

your joy lies within you.

our body is the product of our thoughts.

do you treat yourself the way you want other people to treat you?

the universe is a masterpiece of abundance, good health and well-being.  when you open yourself up to feel the abundance of the universe, you'll experience the wonder, the joy and the bliss.  good health, good wealth, good nature.  when you shut yourself off with negative thoughts, you'll feel the discomfort, you'll feel the aches, the pain.  you'll feel that everyday is painful to get through.

you are not here to try and get the world to be just as you want it.  you are here to create the world around you that you choose.

life is meant to be abundant in ALL areas...

when the voice and vision on the inside become more profound and clear than the opinions on the outside, then you have mastered your life.


*so, this post is a little jumbled with random ideas and thoughts from the secret, but i thought i would share a few.  these are the things i'm choosing to focus on this week.  hopefully, all of the positive energy i release to the universe will allow positive changes in my life.*

Monday, August 8, 2011

love them. protect them. never inject them.

With the school year quickly approaching, i wanted to share some information with my blog readers regarding vaccinations.  the biggest excuse i get from other parents after we have the vaccine debate is, "wow, well that's all really scary, but i really don't have a choice.  i have to vaccinate her/him so they can attend school".  FALSE STATEMENT, my friends.  the current SCARE phrase for this year is "NO SHOTS, NO SCHOOL", which is simply not true at all.  there are medical exemptions in all 50 states.  religious exemptions are available in 47 states and philosophical exemptions are available in 18 states.  so, scare tactics are being used in the media to get parents to vaccinate chilren.  that's the extent of it.  our media/our government is trying to control the medical decisions we make for our families.  but, they can't control these decisions if we don't let them.  it's up to us to become more educated and start making informed decisions for our children.  each time you inject your child with one vaccination, you are sending scary amounts of poison into their bodies.  you are voluntarily doing this to them!  you make the decision when you decide to believe the hype that the government is selling you. 

I believe that we have a God-given ability to make choices for ourselves.  we live in a world full of knowledge!  it doesn't take much to have research and facts at our fingertips.  we just have to be willing to open our eyes to what is very easy to see.  I was blinded for years about the government's role in our medical system.  it wasn't until i became a mother that i realized it was my mission in life to make the best informed decisions for my daughter.  God trusted me with this precious life and it is my job to make sure i keep her safe. 

i speak out on vaccines because i have personally seen the terrible effects they have had on children.  i have also known children who are scarred for life or dead due to vaccine injuries.  this topic is so extremely important to me.  so, this week i'm asking you to do a little research of your own.  dig deep.  read up.  study graphs.  i'm not even going to lead you.  the information is right in front of your face if you want to see it!  but, if you want to personally ask me for links, i have pages and pages of references for you! 

Friday, August 5, 2011


alright mommies everywhere!  let's raise breastfeeding awareness this week to remind the world of our natural abilities to give our babies everything they could ever need!  august 1-7 is world breastfeeding week and i'm a little late on posting because i've been out of town!  but, please help me raise awareness this week, all month and every week of the year! 

"A pair of substantial mammary glands have the advantage over the two hemispheres of the most learned professor's brain in the art of compounding a nutritive fluid for infants."  ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Annabelle's world...

i just wanted to post a little update on annabelle.  it's been a while.  i'm so proud of her and she continues to blow my mind everyday.  i can't even keep up with everything she can say or do now.  it's too much.  she's like a little sponge and everytime i turn around, she's doing something awesome and new!  potty training is coming soon and i will definitely be posting on our progress with that.  here are some things i wanted to share about my little diva...

TRI-NANGLE -  triangle

IT SOOOOO QKEWT-  it's so cute

YO-GET - yogurt

GAPE - grape


TAKE BASS- take a bath

BUUUUSSSSHHHH (sounds like hush) TEES- brush teeth

YOU OK? I HEP YOU - you ok? i'll help you.

BUBBLES AIRY WARE- bubbles everywhere

PISHY- fish

FWOG- frog (and then she says ri-dat ri-dat, instead of ribbit)

NUM NUM NUM LISHIOSO - from dora... yum yum yum, delicioso.

she loves to say: CAN I HEP YOU?  hahahaha.

*my favorite:  i luh you mommy... *

songs she can sing:
twinkle twinkle little star
abc's  (she knows her whole alphabet)
itsy bitsy spider
the barney song (accompanied with hugs and kisses)

she is very mechanical like her daddy.  puts things together very well and counts really well.  hopefully she'll be better at all the math and stuff than i was when i was younger. 

her favorite book is Brown Bear, Brown Bear.  she likes to tell you each animal on each page and the noises that each one makes. 

she knows all the parts of her face and body.  she can put mr. potato head together and put every part in its place while telling what each part is.

she's doing really well with shape recognition, letter recognition and number recognition.  and she loves to draw. 

and she can almost count to 20!

these are just a few cute words and phrases i wanted to share.  her vocabulary is so huge now, this list could go on forever.  these are just some of the ones that are my favorite to hear because she sounds so cute trying to pronounce things she can't yet say properly.

Friday, June 3, 2011

light of my life...

when the whole world fails me, i still have the unconditional love of this sweet baby girl.  when i'm having a terrible day and nothing can make it better, she comes over and loves on me with her empathetic expression.  she tries to smile at me and make faces if she knows i'm stressed or sad.  i hate that she ever sees me that way, but sometimes it happens.  we play, we laugh and we enjoy our fun.  we giggle, we tickle and we sing songs.  and i know that we will always have a special connection as mother and daughter.  we are so goofy together and i hope she will inherit my zest for life by spending so much time with me.  she truly is one of a kind.  a REAL character!  i just love her to death and i'm so thankful.  nothing compares to the unconditional love of your children and i'm feeling blessed that i was given this gift 2 years ago.  this is probably the one and only child i'm ever going to have... so, i'm thankful in more ways than words could ever express.  i hope i prove to be the best mother to her...  she is the LIGHT OF MY LIFE!  now i know how much my mother loved me...  my heart belongs to you, Annabelle Grace.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

teething: the all natural way

i got into a more holistic way of eating and healing after my daughter was born.  one of the major issues i encountered was her horrible sensitivity to teething.  some babies don't struggle with teething at all, while others have the worst, most painful teething symptoms.  well, my daughter was one of the unfortunate ones.  i immediately began looking for natural remedies to soothe her pain.  i don't give her medicine at all unless it is an absolute necessity.  when she was just an infant, i would use wet, frozen washcloths, hyland's teething tablets and teething rings to ease her pain.  the older she's gotten those things don't work anymore. 

just this week, my daughter started to cut her bottom two year molars.  it has definitely been a test.  now that she can almost speak sentences to me, it's even more frustrating for her when she's in pain because she wants so badly to talk to me and tell me what's wrong and she can't express her emotions.  this causes a downward spiral of feelings.  she gets so upset over the pain, then she pitches a huge tantrum because she can't properly express herself.  what a day today was!  i decided to share my #1 remedy with you in case you are experiencing something similar.  

since she was about 9 months old, my tried and true best relief for teething symptoms has been crushed ice.  it never fails.  she gets excited that she has "food" to play with, only it's just water.  the ice immediately soothes the gums and also keeps her hydrated!  and, guess what?  there's no medicine in it.  it's all water.  so, there ya go.  i'm still an advocate for the teething tablets if your children will actually eat them.  i also advocate the use of cold fruits or veggies.  however, when my child is teething, she's not usually in the mood to eat much until she's feeling better. has a list of 10 all natural teething remedies.  head on over and check them out!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

your baby can app!

i was over on cafe mom this morning, reading the stir and i read a post which debated the topic of self-help books and apps for children.  are you kidding me?  the talk was about the newest app on the IPAD called the grouchies.  this app helps to teach your children how to deal with their emotions.  well, this topic brought up the next topic of all of the self help books for children, now available on amazon and in libraries around the world.  on cafemom, she was just saying exactly what i feel... if you're going to let your child use these apps or books, make sure you sit down and go over them with your child.  don't just open the IPAD or the book and leave the child alone to make sense of it all.  i'm sure these apps can be very helpful for many children and mothers/fathers if used correctly.  they aren't meant to be used as babysitters or to make life explanations easier for us as parents.  it is ultimately still our job to make sure our children learn what is necessary.

this really got me thinking about education and playtime for the newest of generations.  the dynamics have changed so much.  we have gotten so lazy in teaching our children.  while i do believe technology is obviously very important for my child this day in age, i don't believe anything can replace good old-fashioned learning.  you know, the imaginative and hands-on way?  i watch my daughter develop daily.  she does have a lot of toys with all the bells and whistles and she likes them sometimes, but when i see her grow the most is when she's left to use her imagination outside in nature, or playing with pots and pans or blocks or just coloring.  when she's left alone with some sticks and her imagination, i can really see her wheels turning.  when she's given blocks, just plain old blocks, i watch her become more mechanical and detailed with her hands.  whatever happened to fingerpainting?  we still do it here at my house, but i know so many little kids today that wouldn't know fingerpaint if they were swimming in it.  all these little kids with their DS systems and their cellphones and their mini laptops... geeeeeez.

like i said, i'm not knocking technology at all.  i mean, i wouldn't even be able to write this blog if it weren't for technology, but i think there's a time and a place for it.  as for me and my daughter, we'll continue to incorporate nature and good, old-fashioned hands-on fun!

Here are some pictures of my sweet girl having some real good fun!!!











Tuesday, April 19, 2011


my toddler decided to throw a huge tantrum this morning.  her fits have become much more common as of late.  she's fierce and loud when she's upset and it could be really easy for me to treat her the way i was treated as a child.  but, as she flailed around in the floor pitching her fit this morning, i remembered the promise i made to myself and to her when she was born:  to handle her as a human being.  my little human being.  my precious gift.  i've been given the opportunity to be a mother, which is something many women will never experience.  so, with that in mind, i sat next to her in the floor and spoke softly to her.  after she quit kicking, i lifted her, hugged her and started to speak to her in a very low tone.  the immediate response is peaceful.  loving.  calm.  she accepts my calmness and it gives her good energy.  i slowly explain to her (in the best way possible for a two year old) that her actions were not nice and that it feels better to be happy and not mad.  i say, "give mommy a kiss".  she does.  then we get up and play.  tantrum over.  mommy feels happy and so does baby.

this is something i've heard described as "time-in".  very different from "time-out".  time-out is a good alternative to spanking and i know many people believe that time-out really works well for children.  but, time-in is an even better alternative, in my opinion.  when a child is left in time-out, they are stuck in a corner to sit for a period of time and sometimes they aren't even told what they did and/or how to change it next time.  they spend those minutes away from the parent feeling alone and confused and probably aren't really thinking of their mistakes.  time-in allows what i like to call "little lecture" time.  my definition of "little lecture" is just that the parent spends time helping the child understand the consequences of his/her actions in a real life situation.  the child gets the chance to see her parent react with love, patience and understanding, thus teaching the child to react with love and patience in difficult situations.

another aspect of time-in isn't just when the child misbehaves.  it's also constantly re-enforcing positive behavior.  noticing the good behavior, as well as the bad behavior.  when you catch your child doing something generous or good, catch them!  tell them how wonderful they are being!  immediately tell them.  immediate feedback is a must for small children especially.  the attention span is short for a small child.  maybe tell others how great your child is in front of your child.  this is also VERY effective in building their self-confidence and re-enforcing good behavior.  discipline should be a positive thing.  it should help mold and shape the child, not hinder them

so...  time-in:  great alternative to time-out.  best disciplining/ parenting technique i've found.  i'm not perfect and sometimes i mess up and get frustrated with my daughter when i shouldn't.  but, as i'm working on her, i'm also always working on myself.  this whole parenting thing is making me a better person :)  she's teaching me so much...

there's a good bit of information available on time-in and time-out and the pros and cons of each, but this lady is using the "time-in" technique very similarly to the way i will use it with my daughter.  click the link below to get a better idea of how "time-in" can be used in your home:

Friday, April 15, 2011

the sign of the twins.

Today I decided I wanted to read up on Annabelle's astrological sign in baby terms.  I know all about Geminis, but I was curious to see what was said about babies in this zodiac sign.  Not only is Annabelle a Gemini, but she shares my father's birthday, and we all know how well i don't get along with him.  Needless to say, I'm nervous about the years ahead.  Read on... if you know my Annabelle, it will shock you at how accurately this describes her.  Lord, help me...

Gemini Baby

The Gemini child is very curious. All facets of life fascinate him, and he loves to explore nature. Gemini Baby quickly learns how to talk and walk. His parents must watch him carefully because he often strays from view. He needs to wander, to walk, to know, to communicate. He gets bored quite easily, and needs to develop multiple interests. He is the kind of person who can do many things at the same time. Any kind of repression or obstruction of his freedom could provoke an emotional depression which could be very difficult for him to overcome.

If he needs to be confined to a small space, he should have many toys, books, a TV and someone to talk to. He is the kind of child who makes people nervous, because he is in constant motion and nothing stops him from talking. It is not a good idea to tell him that it would be much better if he tried to behave as other children who react slower and not as imaginatively. The challenge is to make him reduce the speed of his life without frustrating his basic nature.

He is very sociable, bright, precocious, and always asking questions. He is very clever, and he excels in intellectual activities: mathematics, literature, languages, etc. He does not have trouble learning unless the subject becomes boring for him. His hands are expressive and agile and he can easily mimic. It would be a good idea to give him a magic game as a present, in order to develop the natural talent he possesses.
Sometimes he exaggerates, lies, and makes fun of people. He has a very good imagination, often embellishes the truth, and even believes his own fantasies. The Gemini child must be taught to tell the truth and to develop his fantasies in writing. If Gemini Baby does not learn how to express himself without inhibitions, he could become very introverted when grown-up, as a way of self-protection. He is never satisfied with one activity at a time and is able to do homework while listening to the radio.

His main problems are: lack of patience, lack of perseverance to get deeper into detail, and being too easily influenced by others. As this child grows, parents should get to know their child's friends. As a youngster, he will be always talking on the phone, going out with different friends every week and changing his mind about his future career. His parents should not be worried about this, because their child is one of the smartest persons in the zodiac, and he will surely impress everyone with his many facets, brightness, and eloquence. He will be always naive and childish; for this reason, he must learn the importance of responsible behavior.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

inspiration for your hump...

Yuni words of wisdom

I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them. I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don't care back. I've learned that it takes years to build up trust and only seconds to destroy it. I've learned that it's not what you have in your live, but who you have in your life that counts. I've learned that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes, after that, you'd better know something.

I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to the best others can do, but to the best you can do. I've learned that it's not what happens to people, it's what they do about it. I've learned that no matter how thin you slice it, there are always two sides. I've learned that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you'll see them. I've learned that you can keep going long after you think you can't.

I've learned that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences. I've learned that there are people, who love you dearly, but just don't know how to show it. I've learned that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel. I've learned that true friendship continues to grow even over the longest distance same goes for true love.

I've learned that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that. I've learned that it isn't always enough to be forgive by others, sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself. I've learned that no matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn't stop for your grief. I've learned that just because two people argue, it doesn't mean they don't love each other and just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do.

I've learned that sometimes you have to put the individual ahead of their actions. I've learned that two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different. I've learned that no matter the consequences, those who are honest with themselves get farther in life. I've learned that your life can be changed in a matter of hours when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help.

I've learned that writing, As well as talking, Can ease emotional pains. I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon. I've learned that it's hard to determine where to draw the line between being nice and not hurting people's feelings and standing up for what you believe. I've learned to love and be loved. I've learned.

Monday, April 11, 2011

squashing my case of the mondays...

i'm always getting the sunday blues.  i've struggled with it for as long as i can remember.  well, the sunday blues lead to a horrible case of the mondays.  i've been trying to find a way to break up my weeks and make them a little easier and less redundant.  so, in order to squash my case of the mondays i'm going to start a new routine.  each monday i will either go on an outing/adventure (usually with annabelle, but sometimes this will be special mommy time for myself) or work on a new craft project in order to expand my tutu store. 

last monday, annabelle and i went to the river with a friend and her son.  it made monday seem a little less mundane.  today i'm going to price some things for my tutu store.  i'm going to be branching out and making things other than tutus and hairbows.  i'm excited for this!

so, my suggestion for a case of the mondays?  even if you work a 9-5 job, take time at some point during your monday to do something different.  something a little more exciting than usual, just to spice up your day.  even if it's just trying a new place for lunch or stopping off for one happy hour drink or an ice cream break right after work.  maybe you want to make monday your family's night out to dinner night each week?  or maybe a pizza night?  if you're a stay-at-home mommy like me, maybe you wanna make monday your field trip day or your craft day?  start your week off happy and make sure to make monday your best day!

Friday, April 8, 2011

the cons...

i always try to sum up my reasons for not vaccinating the best way i know how, but i somehow always leave out things that are important to me.  and then i'm like, "oh man, i meant to tell them this, oh and this"... there's so much more than what always comes out in conversation, since it's usually less of a conversation and more of a debate.  i found this post on bellybelly and thought it pretty well summed up most of my main reasons for choosing to refuse shots.  check it out:

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

these are a few of my favorite things...

my sweet brandy texted me this morning to ask me what some of my favorite things were.  what a sweetheart.  she's so thoughtful.  guess she's just been thinking of me.  so, it inspired me to write a list.  here are a few of my favorite things in the world...

-big bear hugs that last forever.
-forehead kisses that surprise me.
-baby feet
-the smell of fresh cut grass
-music.  any and all kinds.  i don't discriminate.
-very dark chocolate.  i also love all chocolate.  don't really discriminate with that either.
-being barefoot.  i would never ever wear shoes if i didn't have to. :)
-sunshine.  especially the day after a storm.
-the sound of the river. 
-being on the lake at dusk.  watching the sun set and the lake become still again.
-dancing.  mostly alone.  i love rockin it out in my living room with my sweet girl.
-waterfalls.  there is nothing as peaceful to me as a waterfall.
-good wine.  actually i don't discriminate here either.  i love all wine. 
-all day long beach days when i leave the beach before dinner covered in salt and sand with sunkissed skin.
-animals, of all kinds.  but especially dogs.  and horses.  i really want a horse.
-puppy breath.  that might sound weird.  but it's nostalgic for me.
-annabelle's kisses and sweet baby girl hugs.
-football saturdays in good ole clemson.  there's nothing better than fall and football in TIGER country.
-summer weekends spent on the lake.  we live off of sun, water and a little bit of food :) 
-fresh fruits and veggies straight from the garden.  nothing feels better than putting clean food in my body.
-front porch sitting.  on anyone's front porch :)
-pictures.  people pick on me and say it must not happen if i don't take a million pictures.  but yes, i feel that i want to document every single important moment of my life.  so, pictures are definitely a favorite thing!
-special mommy/daughter times with annabelle grace.  special trips alone, coloring time or even just cuddle time on the couch.
-baseball.  every single thing about baseball.  the love of the game.  the men.  the uniforms.  the season.  and there's no better baseball than clemson baseball- sitting on cheap seats, drinking beer and listening to the outfielders being heckled by our fans :)
-waking up before the rest of the world and watching it become busy...
-staying up later than the rest of the world and watching it become peaceful again.  no noise.  just quiet.  there's something really moving about this.  i don't know why.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011

taking lives... pneumococcal and Hib vaccines

check out this article from natural news.  when will all the "sheeple" wake up?  adverse reactions hours after vaccinations... coincidence?  NO.  why are we so quick to trust medical professionals, big pharma and government?  for shame.  innocent lives are lost more often than can ever be accounted for.  it's becoming its own epidemic...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dr. Mercola- the man your doctor doesn't want you to listen to...

So... it wasn't the in-depth show I was hoping for, but they did discuss some alternative medicine supplements. 

Alternative Medicine Breakthroughs:

1) Coconut Oil- useful in treatment of alzheimer's disease.

2) Ubiquinol- especially take if you're on statin drugs.

3) L-Arginine- an amino acid that helps increase blood flow. helps with circulation, high blood pressure, erectile disfunction and any problems where blood flow is an issue.

#1 Suggested Supplement from Dr. Mercola
one of the most potent anti-inflammatories known.  potent antioxidant.  more potent than vitamin E and vitamin C.
benefits for eye health.  can be useful in the treatment of many eye diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts.
Astaxanthin is not converted to vitamin A in the human body, which is good because too much vitamin A is toxic for the body.

"Ways astaxanthin can positively impact your health, according to the latest research:
  • Boosting immune function
  • Improving cardiovascular health by reducing C-Reactive Proteins (CRP), reducing triglycerides, and increasing beneficial HDL
  • Astaxanthin protects your eyes from cataracts, macular degeneration, and blindness
  • Astaxanthin protects your brain from dementia and Alzheimer’s
  • Astaxanthin reduces your risk for many types of cancer (including cancers of the breast, colon, bladder and mouth) by stimulating apoptosis (cancer cell death) and inhibiting lipid peroxidation
  • Improving recovery from spinal cord and other central nervous system injuries
  • Astaxanthin reduces inflammation from all causes, including arthritis and asthma
  • Improving endurance, workout performance and recovery
  • Astaxanthin helps to stabilize blood sugar, thereby protecting your kidneys
  • Relieving indigestion and reflux
  • Improving fertility by increasing sperm strength and sperm count
  • Actually helping to prevent sunburn, and protecting you from the damaging effects of radiation (i.e., flying in airplanes, x-rays, CT scans, etc.)
  • Reducing oxidative damage to your DNA
  • Astaxanthin reduces symptoms from pancreatitis, multiple sclerosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, and Lou Gehrig’s disease, and neurodegenerative diseases"
-excerpt from

Healthy body daily also goes into depth with Dr. Mercola's conversation on how Astaxanthin can help in the prevention of cancer and support for your immune system.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Paleo Solution

Check out Robb Wolf's Paleo Solution page.  I'm going to buy the book soon, The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet.  My friend Chris introduced me to this way of life and it's pretty easy to understand.  It's really the way our bodies were designed to eat and function. 

Here's a link to his page...

it's a lifestyle change. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

welcome to the not so popular crowd!

For those of us who choose to take the "other" path.  Here's to being an outcast... it's not always such a bad thing...

No Vaccines means less health problems in our children, less poisons, less cancers, etc.
No to GMOs means we might live a little longer.  Maybe we'll enjoy our food the way nature made it.
No spanking means we discipline with love and produce well-rounded, emotionally stable children.
No Facist/Socialist government means we learn how to take care of ourselves like we're designed to do.  Or wait, maybe we were designed to make walmart a profit.
Homeschooling/unschooling offers our children every single thing they want to learn in life and more!  Without the government ruling what they are and aren't allowed to learn.
Co-sleeping means more secure and independent children who learn from their mother's cues.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

so serious...

I wanted to share some more serious quotes that are applicable to my views.  I'm sure I'll post plenty of not so serious ones later...

"There are those who are appalled that I'm so vocal about injustice, yet I am equally appalled by their silence." -Lujene Clark

"Children are the messages we will send to a time we'll never see."  -Neil Postman

"Speak the truth even if your voice shakes."

"Every person is "in my face" for a reason, and there's a lesson to be learned, if not now, later." -Karen Casey

"A child only educated at school is an uneducated child."  -George Santayana

"Be the change you want to see in the world."  -Ghandi

"If slaughterhouses had glass walls, we'd all be vegetarians." -Linda McCartney

"Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure."  -Robert LeFevre

on vaccinations:  i am not a sheep and baaaaa is not in my vocabulary.

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."  -Albert Einstein

"My opinion is that anybody offended by breastfeeding is staring too hard."  -David Allen

*do good when no one is watching *

"Reading is a discount ticket to everywhere."  -Mary Schmich

"Everytime you smile at someone it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing." -Mother Teressa

"Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier." -Mother Teresa

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."  -Mother Teresa

"Have you learned the lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you? Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed passage with you?" -Walt Whitman

"Re-examine all that you have been told... dismiss that which insults your soul." -Walt Whitman

"The real war will never get in the books."  -Walt Whitman

"Whatever satisfies the soul is truth."  -Walt Whitman

Friday, March 4, 2011

Co-sleeping... worked for me!

a touchy topic for some.  a lifestyle for others.

i am probably one of the biggest co-sleeping advocates you will meet.  i live by the motto "what baby needs, baby gets".  and that's not a way of "spoiling" them.  i mean that in a caring, nurturing way.  your baby needs love, warmth, security and comfort, especially in the first year of life.  to take a child and place them in a bed surrounded with bars all alone in a room away from your own seems barbaric to me.  you know, like a prison.  i have studied co-sleeping until i'm blue in the face and have seen the positive effects it can have on children.

at 20 months old, my child is the most independent kid i know.  she marches to the beat of her own drum, does things for herself and plays well with other children.  and it just so happens the research i've done on co-sleeping has shown me that parents who co-sleep tend to produce more secure and independent children.  wonder why?  because those children weren't ripped from their mothers every night at bedtime.  they slept safe and sound and secure snuggled up to the people who made them feel that way.

i was never scared of rolling over on my baby.  i think this is the biggest argument i hear from people, but i always respond with mother's intuition.  we, as mother's, have something inside us that wakes us up to protect our babies.  co-sleeping made it easier to nurse my daughter at night.  it made it easier to bond with my baby in the first month of life and it made sleep more peaceful for me knowing she was right next to me. 

what you choose to do is your call, but i have seen the awesome effects it's had on my child so far and i'm proud to say i'm a co-sleeping mommy!  here's some info on co-sleeping and the positive effects it can have on children.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

here are my facts...

in my first official vaccine related post, i'm just gonna list some facts from my own, personal life.  that's it.  no buffering and no adding in any quotes from others.  i'm simply going to tell you what happened to my child.  i've spent hours documenting the changes.

months before baby was born: started researching vaccines because i wanted to be an informed parent.  questioned more than i wanted to and decided i was worrying too much.

day of my daughter's birth: after wanting a natural delivery, i was pushed into having a c-section because i was basically taking too long.  i didn't know at the time that this was going on.  obviously they scared me.  and my blood pressure had changed drastically, so i was in a sticky situation after 28 hours of labor.  i was terrified and let them deliver her by c-section.  i still wonder if i could have had her naturally.  after birth, my daughter was given vitamin k and a hep b shot before i even had a say so in it.  this bothered me right away.

weeks following:  i made the decision that at her 2 month check up, i would request that she be put on an alternate shot schedule because of all of the toxins in the vaccines.  i was told by her pediatrician that it wouldn't be a problem.  almost immediately after her 2 month shots (they were split up by 2 weeks.  she got 2 shots at one visit and 2 at the next) i started noticing changes in her breathing.  this is also when she got her first ear infection.

between 2 and 4 months: she was in the doctor's office constantly for ear infections and although i was breastfeeding her and doing my best for her, little did i know the toxins i was pumping into her body were hurting her.  i also started to notice changes in her breathing.  she would make these loud, high-pitched noises sometimes out of nowhere.  sometimes it happened in her sleep and it scared me to death.  it's like she was gasping for air.  i slept with her right next to me every single night out of fear.

4 month appointment:  again, i expressed my fears about vaccines with the pediatrician.  i told him i wanted to stay on a delayed schedule.  he actually looked me in the face and said, "if you're going to postpone any, these are the ones to postpone.  they give so many in such a short span (that span being 2 to 6 months) and i feel that this would be the best if you're concerned."  well, that was all the answer i needed.  i did 2 shots at 4 months and 2 at 5 months.  ~Here's the kicker, and this really should have ended it for me... at 5 months, when i took my daughter back for her second round of delayed shots, the nurse left the room to draw up the shots and i realized she said the wrong shots as she walked out of the room.  she said she was going to draw up the ones she had already gotten 3 weeks prior.  so i rush into the hallway to grab her and tell her that we already had those and for her to please only give her the remaining two.  she proceeded to argue with me about what shots my daughter had been given.  i pulled out my own personal records from my purse and had to practically shove them in her face for her to see!  she had the nerve to look at me and say, "well honey, it's really confusing for us when y'all break the shots up like this..."  and i replied, "it's not that hard to write down what shots are given at each appointment!  this is my daughter's life we're talking about here"!  then i started to wonder, how many mothers blindly go into the pediatrician's office with their children and have this happen to them, daily... and they probably don't even know!  and how many of these instances or costly mistakes result in the loss of a precious child's life?!?

*started noticing major health differences after this.  she started to develop a severe case of eczema all over her body.  her breathing issues seemed to worsen daily and more ear infections developed.  YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!  i'm breastfeeding this baby.  giving her all of myself so she can be healthy.  she's getting all of my protection and she's still so sick?  so... i started hitting the research hard.  and guess what i found?  the thing the medical field calls SIDS or crib death, happens most commonly in babies between the ages of 3 and 5 months... coincidence?  nope.  of course it is constantly denied by people in the medical field that vaccines are related to crib death, but i have read numerous heart-wrenching stories of parents who have had otherwise healthy babies, took them in for a well visit with shots and the baby was dead within 24 hours after serious lethargy, crying and screaming.  and in countries were vaccines aren't routinely practiced the word crib death or SIDS doesn't even exist.  think about that for a minute.  i also started seeing studies of vaccines linked to eczema, ear infections and asthma.  all of which my daughter was experiencing.

6 month appointment: against my will i had her vaccinated.  still on an alternate schedule, but after the final shot, i made a vow to never go back there.  it's like it took that long for me, but once the feeling hit me, i knew what i was doing was right.  had a long talk with my husband and knew we would never step foot in there again.  i regretted getting them immediately.  something in my body felt sick.  i had all this knowledge and i was just lining up like a good little citizen and getting my daughter injected with POISON.  she continued to have a few health problems and i'm convinced it was due to the effects of the shots.  but after a couple of months wouldn't you know, everything cleared up!  and i mean everything.  eczema was gone.  breathing problems were over.  and this was after exhausting trips to the ENT.  she did not have one single ear infection after that appointment and i noticed a change in the look in her eyes.  i knew i had done the right thing!

since then:  i have kept my daughter out of the peds offices.  i believe they are just as fueled by big pharma as general practitioners.  my daughter has not been sick.  she has had a minor cold or two that she's caught from other kids, but i'm ok with exposing her to illnesses the NATURAL way.  we have also turned to more homeopathic remedies when dealing with sickness and have switched over to a holistic chiropractor for her heath care.  i believe less trips to the doc makes for a happy and healthy kid.  when she needs to be adjusted, the chiropractor does it.  you wouldn't believe the difference chiropractic makes in a child's life.  everything stems from the spine and the spine is influential in our overall health. 

and i digress...enough babbling about chiropractics... that's a whole other post.

Anyway, i just want you to ask yourself these questions:

when you take your child in for shots, do you know exactly what he/she is getting injected into them?

have you read the package inserts for the shots?  the docs have them and should willingly give them to you.

do you know what each shot is supposedly protecting your child against?

have you read all of the side effects associated with each vaccine?

do you know to contact VAERS (vaccine adverse event reporting system) if your child experiences any of those severe side effects?

***and some food for thought... read these questions i'm asking and get your wheels turning.  do some research of your own.  and i DON'T mean research from the CDC website!  i mean look at research from all over.  look into docs speaking out on vaccines.  or better yet, before you do any other research DO go to the CDC's website and read exactly what's in each shot you give your child... (ex: aborted fetal cells)  i think i'll pass!  thanks!

do you know that most of the diseases these shots "protect" us from aren't life threatening and it's better for our bodies if we develop natural immunities to the diseases?

do you know that most of the diseases we're "fighting" with vaccines were already declining dramatically before vaccinations were ever introduced? 

did you know that as good hygiene and proper sanitation became more common these diseases started to decrease quickly?

If these questions prompt any interest for you, then please go and research it for yourselves.  I promise that what you learn will be eye-opening.  The first few days I began my research on vaccines, I didn't sleep at night.  I wanted to know more and more and more... and so I searched and searched for answers.  I got them and did not like what I saw...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

big question with a big answer

i've had someone ask me, "well do you believe in medicine?" and well, the answer is yes and no. 

i believe in medicine in life saving times.  however, i do not believe medicine is best for prevention.  i believe proper diet, exercise, good hygiene and sanitation are necessary in prevention of disease.  i really do feel that doctors today make more money off of prevention than anything else.  they also make money off of things that people could just fix with a better diet and exercise routine.  and yes, I TRULY BELIEVE THAT!  i have seen lives change with adjustments to lifestyle. and i have seen medicine complicate the functionality of the human body...

i worked with a dietician for a bit of time while working in the medical field.  i saw SEVERAL patients come off of medications for things such as diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure just by changing the foods they were consuming.  i witnessed men and women who had been on medications for years drop every single medication they were on because they were eating things their bodies were designed to eat.  it's not rocket science.  it's nature. 

so, to answer the question of whether or not i believe in medicine... well, i firmly believe that ninety percent of it isn't necessary. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

here are a few good tips for kiddos:

try and buy these as organic as possible or pick them straight from the garden or from a farmers market.  if this isn't possible then get the freshest fruits and veggies you can find.  I find bananas and grapes to be the biggest hit with my daughter!  she also enjoys berries, raisins and almonds.  as far as veggies go, carrots and broccoli are a must in my book.  don't fluff these up with a side of ranch.  that won't do them any good.  the purpose of feeding them healthy food is so they will learn to eat healthy.  i promise you they can eat it without the ranch dressing.  :)

once summertime is here, i will be excited to take her to the garden and let her pick fresh fruits and veggies!

Monday, February 14, 2011

ALMONDS:  in my house, almonds have become a staple.  they're added to salads, meats and eaten by the handfuls at snack time.  in my opinion, almonds are a beautiful, hidden little health secret.  when eaten conservatively and in the place of other fats, almonds can help reduce cholesterol levels and help prevent heart disease.  also, studies have shown that when almonds are eaten in moderation, they can actually help promote weight loss.  by substituting almonds for other calories, you may lose more weight than you would if you were eating those calories somewhere else.  they are high in protein and low in carbs.  they are very filling, so you can eat a lot less.  almonds are rich in so many vitamins that promote a healthier overall body.  almonds also contain folic acid, which is something all of us, but especially pregnant women need daily.  and lets not forget omega-3 fatty acids...

in my book, almonds are the perfect snack and topping for any meal!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

the terrible two's.

So, as I'm making my weekly maintenance trip to the store today, I encountered a FIRST.  The first temper tantrum of many, i'm sure.  IN PUBLIC.  It was awful.  I know there are many more to come now that I have a 20 month old.  I felt the situation was blog worthy because it touches on another topic that is extremely important to me. 


As my daughter is flailing her arms, kicking and screaming in the shopping cart, I realized I didn't know what to do.  For the first time as a mother, I really didn't have a clue how to handle the situation.  While the people stared me down and some old men shook their heads at me, I began to get upset.  Nothing I did would console her, and ignoring her made the problem worse.  She's very tender hearted, so telling her to stop or telling her NO, only makes it worse.  She's always been very easy to discipline because NO works really well.  As a matter of fact, I can just give her "the look" without even saying "no" and she begins to cry and stops whatever she's doing. 

Getting to my point: While I wasn't sure how to handle the situation, I know one thing that never crossed my mind... hitting her.  My husband and I decided a while back that we would be as peaceful in our parenting techniques as we possibly could.  I was spanked/beaten several times growing up and all it did for me was cause resentment towards my parents, even to this day.  As I listened to several people give me advice in the middle of the store I had to hold back tears.  All I could think was, "This is 2011... I choose to do differently than my parents did".  Some older lady told me I needed to be careful not to let me child get away with those things, as if I'm a bad mother.  I wanted to tell her to mind her own business, but I continued on my mission.  My child will learn from love, tolerance and acceptance.  She will always feel loved and I will never make her feel unworthy of my love.  This is the way WE choose to do it. 

If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight.
If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy.
If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty.
BUT if a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient.

Monday, February 7, 2011

While eating dinner tonight with my 20 month old, I started to feel something blog-worthy.  As I watched her stuff her face full of fresh squash, beans, carrots, broccoli and grapes it put a huge smile on my face.  One of the things I repeatedly hear from other parents is that their children won't eat healthy.  A typical comment from them may be, "All my kid wants to eat is macaroni and cheese and chicken tenders".  I always chuckle at this and want to say, "You are in charge of what they're eating!  Stop giving it to them!"  However, I usually don't say anything close to that because it's a touchy topic. 

My point is, if you give kids good, healthy food from an early age, they will choose good, healthy food EVERY SINGLE TIME.  I can put cookies and veggies in front my child and she always goes for the veggies :)  Now that makes me a proud mama! 

And boy does she love her un-processed meat :)

a little icebreaker

Just breaking the ice here... not holding anything back.  My passion has become more about exposing the truth and worrying less about who it offends.  So, read on if you like...

Take a minute and think about your health.  What moves you to do the things you do?  Whether it's food, exercise or medicine, why do you make the choices you do?  Is it because someone insisted it's what's best for you, or is it because you have become a free thinker?  Have you researched every option for you and your family to the fullest extent?  Or have you lined up like a sheep and said "baaaaaaa" to your doctor's orders?

This blog is intented to document how my life has changed since becoming a mom.  I want to explore how very AWARE I've become of EVERYTHING.  My eyes have been opened and my brain has been curious.  I've spent countless hours researching things that never mattered to me 5 years ago.  I've logged serious hours elbow deep in books and internet research.  I've learned more on my own in 3 years than I did in 12 years of public school and 5 years of college.  Some of the changes we've made in my house are "radical" in the eyes of everyone else.  But these changes help me sleep at night.  My intentions are to share my research, document my experiences and share information as I come across it.

"Speak the truth, even if your voice shakes."